
Sole Developer
Ruby on Rails, React, Jekyll, and Themes

The end of an era, after resisting for so long I finally decided that Heroku and maintaining a web app for a simple portfolio site just wasn’t worth the time and effort. Being able to reduce the monthly costs to free from needing a database, hosting, DNS and storage for a pet project certainly doesn’t hurt as well. Still, it makes me sad. I put a lot of effort into Locuscorev3 and wrote a surpringly large amount of react code to glue everything together. Fortunately CSS and a vanilla JS have come a long way since I first put this theme together from a premium themeforest theme many years ago and just a dash of that gets things quite close to the previous iteration of this site.

There’s no point in breaking things down as this is a “simple” Jekyll site running on Github Pages. I did run into some growing pains with Jekyll but despite github page’s imposed limitations on the framework it definitely gets the job done. I wouldn’t recommend Jekyll for anything more than a portfolio or marketing site but it is certainly nice to have a web server framework that doesn’t try to do everything after years of Rails and Phoenix.

Note: The View Site link for this project will take you to the repository that used to run this site.

View Site